Transplanting seedlings into growth medium – common mistakes
Always transplant seedlings that are in good condition. Rather discard the extra small seedlings and give them a chance to grow in the nursery. They can be used as replacements if some of the other seedlings die off.
TIP: Use the strongest seedlings in the middle of the greenhouse since the microclimate is best suited for crop growth
Spindly seedlings should not be transplanted, unless they are used as substitute transplants. Over hardened seedlings never recover, so try and avoid them, these seedlings are already in a stressed condition and will never produce quality yields. Severely wilted plants can be soaked in water, or in some cases, merely placed between water-soaked cloth for a short time to revive them prior to transplanting.
Plants should be planted so that the shoulder of the plug is level with either the growth medium in the bag or the gravel in the gully. I If weather conditions are dry and windy, wait for better transplanting conditions. The ideal planting time is late afternoons or during cloudy days.
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