- Lettuce deficiency and toxicity symptoms of macro and micro elements
- Cotton aphid – Aphis gossypii
- Greenhouse white fly
- Pythium and Phytophthora root rot in closed hydroponic systems
- Understanding tomato taste and flavour
- The relationship between temperature and growth in greenhouses.
- Spread of viruses in greenhouses
- The relationship between acid and sugar content in the taste of fruit.
- Source of viruses in a greenhouse
- Nutrient content of water soluble hydroponic fertilizers
- The basic principles of a good spray program
- Angular leaf spot
- The effect of low intensity radiation on flowering
- The effect of high intensity radiation on plant growth in greenhouses.
- The effect of radiation on growth and yield
- Basic pest and disease resistance management strategies in greenhouses
- Understanding the greenhouse environment
- Trellising cucumbers in greenhouses
- How do I start a hydroponic farm
- Understanding nitrogen dynamics during cucumber growth season
- Optimizing income of your farm using Fibonacci
- Fertigation of cucumbers – the basics
- The feasibility of hydroponics as empowerment concept – and why you will fail too.
- Solution heating of a tomato crop has limited effect on early yields
- How to grow spinach hydroponically
- When to harvest tomato fruit
- Nutrient interactions: Calcium and Boron ratio
- Seedling transplant tolerances and germination characteristics
- Manganese levels in nutrient solution do not influence tomato growth
- Heating nutrient solution increases growth rate of tomatoes
- How to predict when lettuce are ready for harvest
- Nutrient uptake of cucumbers depends on light intensity and air temperature
- How important is the ammonium/nitrate ratio
- Tipburn in lettuce
- How to get good iceberg lettuce head development
- NFT is ideal for hydroponic lettuce production
- Onion thrips
- What is nutrient conditioning?
- The effect of light and temperature in plant growth (Advanced reading)
- Increase container size for higher yields early in the season
- Why do Green Pepper grow so slowly
- Are organically grown vegetables better – The real truth behind it all
- What is the nutritional value of vegetables
- Quality of vegetable crops
- Tomato russet mite
- Plusia looper
- American Bollworm
- Common physiological disorders in cucumbers
- Pruning cucumbers in greenhouses
- Sweet potato whitefly
- Red spider mite
- Green bean fertigation – a delicate matter
- Leaf hopper
- Leaf miner
- Downy mildew on lettuce
- Sclerotinia or watery soft rot
- Grey mould
- Whiteflies in greenhouses
- Septoria leaf spot a destructive tomato disease
- Cutworm
- Anthracnose can cause serious losses in tomatoes and lettuce
- Bacterial spot causes injury to seedlings and adult plants
- Fusarium wilt
- Verticillium wilt – Verticillium alboatrum – found on all vegetable crops
- Damping-off affects almost all seedlings
- Bacterial wilt
- Bacterial canker (Clavibacter michiganensis) the most destructive disease
- Powdery mildew
- Early blight (Alternaria solani) common fungus on tomatoes
- Late blight – Phytophthora infestans
- Botrytis rot or grey mould fungus – symptoms and control
- Bacterial speck
- Cucumber pest and disease control
- The basics of growing cucumbers in hydroponic greenhouses
- Trellising green beans in hydroponic bag culture greenhouses
- Growth cracks in greenhouse vegetable fruit
- Cat-face tomato fruit – genetic physiological disorder
- Hollow fruit disorder in hydroponic greenhouse systems
- Tomato fertigation in hydroponic greenhouses
- Pruning tomatoes – a simple neglected task
- Trellising tomato plants in a greenhouse
- Zippering – Physiological disorder of tomato and pepper fruit
- Tomato types available for the commercial grower
- Blossom drop – A sure sign of stress in hydroponic greenhouses
- Blossom-end-rot – most common physiological disorder in vegetable fruit
- Sunscald or sun burn on vegetable fruit – sun damage that can be prevented
- Thin spindly sick pale plants – it’s causes and solutions
- Small fruit in crops grown in greenhouses is a sign of stress
- Common pest and disease control for peppers
- Fertigation of hydroponic peppers
- Ideal temperature and humidity regime for greenhouse crops
- Trellising hydroponically grown peppers – secret to growth optimization
- Pruning peppers for optimum yields in hydroponics
- Planting density of various vegetable crops in hydroponic systems
- Scientific classification of commercial vegetable crops
- Transplanting seedlings into growth medium – common mistakes
- Pesticides and fungicides formulations – what every seedling grower should know
- Seed treatment – 8 steps towards healthy seedlings
- 9 Tips on good seedling disease management
- Seedling irrigation and fertilization
- Hardening off seedlings is the secret that commercial growers use for better transplants
- 9 Simple steps to fill a seedling tray
- Seedling growth medium – a commercial hydroponic perspective
- Protect your seedlings from extreme temperatures
- Basic layout of a seedling nursery irrigation system
- The basics of producing good seedlings
- How to design a hydroponic stock solution system
- What is a chelate
- 11 Tips on how to work safely with chemicals
- Is your closed hydroponic farm correctly designed for stock solutions
- Here is a quick way to make nutrient stock solutions for hydroponic systems
- Fertilizer solubility is the key to the best nutrient stock solutions
- Formulating a hydroponic nutrient solution – Part II: Micro nutrients
- How to adjust for fertilizer impurities in hydroponic nutrient formulations
- How to adjust for specific gravity of liquid fertilizer
- Formulating a hydroponic nutrient solution – Part I: Macro Nutrients
- Why is stock solutions such a popular method in open hydroponic systems
- How to formulate a nutrient solution with complex fertilizers
- What everybody ought to know about milli equivalent (me) and parts per million (ppm)
- How to calculate nutrient content with atomic weight and molecular weight
- A list of 43 important hydroponic fertilizers
- Here is a quick way to identify macro-nutrient deficiency and toxicity symptoms
- Hydroponic fertilizers explained
- Water pH Explained
- Salt content of water for hydroponic use
- Greenhouse heating – 5 facts you should look at
- Micro-elements – It’s role in plant growth
- Sulphur (S) – It’s role in plant growth
- Magnesium (Mg) – It’s role in plant growth
- Calcium (Ca) – It’s role in plant growth
- Potassium (K) – It’s role in plant growth
- Phosphorus (P) – It’s role in plant growth
- Nitrogen – It’s role in plant growth
- How to adjust the pH in hydroponic nutrient solutions
- pH in hydroponic nutrient solutions and its effect on nutrient uptake
- Calculating pad and fan requirements
- Mechanical filtration of nutrient solution in NFT hydroponic systems
- Flow rate in gravel NFT hydroponic systems – crucial for optimal system performance
- Serious diseases found in NFT hydroponic systems
- How to monitor and control pH in closed hydroponic systems
- Differential nutrient removal from hydroponic nutrient solutions
- Refilling nutrient solutions and refilling frequency
- Lime – a cheap way to reduce greenhouse temperatures
- Insect screens in greenhouses – effective biological control
- Thermal screens greenhouse cooling – are they effective
- Evaporative pads – maintenance in commercial hydroponics
- Cooling a greenhouse with evaporative pad-and-fan
- Cooling a greenhouse with fogging nozzles
- Natural ventilation in humid regions.
- Natural ventilation of single span tunnels in arid regions.
- What is natural ventilation
- What is the difference between LDPE and HDPE Irrigation pipes
- Which hydroponic irrigation pumps should be used
- Cheap inline sediment filter that works
- Simple method to keep hydroponic NFT nutrient tanks clean
- What is the optimum gravel depth for hydroponic channels
- How to lay out a dripper irrigation system
- Calculating the correct flow rate for open hydroponic systems
- Manage the root temperature in growth bags for optimal growth
- How to mix fertilizers in a nutrient tank
- Nutrient tank design with pumps and filters
- Small nutrient tanks vs. large nutrient tanks
- Position of hydroponic nutrient tanks and catch-up tanks
- How to install dripper irrigation on sloped land
- The secret of successful plastic gullies in closed hydroponic systems
- How to prevent blocked drippers
- Closed hydroponic systems – the basics
- Open hydroponic systems – the basics
- Which cladding should be used for greenhouses
- Greenhouse size – Important factors to take into account
- Greenhouse structure – what works
- 5 Important facts about greenhouse design that you should know
- Greenhouse location – four important fact to consider
- What type of crops are suitable for hydroponics
- Advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics
- What is hydroponics
Article listAntonius Lecuona2017-03-02T11:07:03+02:00