About Antonius Lecuona

I studied agriculture at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa in 1984 and completing my M.Sc Agric. in 1998. . My love for "Controlled Environmental Agriculture" (CEA), started in my third year when I was exposed to the Welgevallen Research Station. There Prof. P.C.Maree showed us what hydroponics consisted of. It was awesome. There were no large tractors involved, no dusty fields, no uncontrollable storms to destroy your crop (well that is what I thought). Since then I put hydroponics to much better use, not just farming. We solved pollution problems by cleaning mines effluent with hydroponics and aquaculture. They were used to remove toxic metals to produce clean water (which we sold and make more money of than the produce). What I learned from 1987 I tried to compile in this website and I hope it is from some value to the serious commercial farmer that wants to take the journey into Commercial Hydroponic Farming.

Cooling a greenhouse with evaporative pad-and-fan

2013-07-31T13:20:02+02:00By |Cooling, Greenhouses, Systems, Ventilation|

Pad-and-fan systems, also called evaporative pad-and-fan systems, is the most common method of cooling a greenhouse in warm weather regions. Although not optimal, it is better than no cooling at all. Using an evaporative pad-and-fan requires a fan mounted opposite the evaporative pads. Evaporative pad-and-fan systems are referred to as “pad [...]

Cooling a greenhouse with fogging nozzles

2016-09-24T08:22:13+02:00By |Cooling, Greenhouses, Systems|

Many growers have tried reducing temperatures (cooling) with fogging nozzles. The concept of spraying the air with microscopic water droplets which absorb the heat in the air sound right. However, fogging does not just decrease the temperature, it increases the humidity as well. A fogging system cannot operate efficiently if it [...]

Natural ventilation in humid regions.

2019-01-11T15:21:31+02:00By |Greenhouses|

Ventilation of  greenhouses in humid tropical areas presents the grower with a complete new set of problems. There are various methods available but none have the desired effect. Screening is limited since it can only be applied during certain periods of the day and it limits the amount of sunlight [...]

What is natural ventilation

2019-01-13T12:39:53+02:00By |Greenhouses|

  Ventilation is the exchange of air inside the greenhouse with air taken from outside the greenhouse using either natural or forced methods. Ventilation efficiency is critical in successful crop growth. The most common problem encountered in hot arid climates is to cool a greenhouses down in comparison with Northern Europe [...]

What is the difference between LDPE and HDPE Irrigation pipes

2024-12-22T16:20:45+02:00By |Closed systems, Open systems, Systems|

LDPE HDPE Difference is crucial when designing a good system.  You can either save a lot of money initially and waste a lot later when your irrigation system starts popping. The irrigation pipes ensure that water is supplied to the plants. The most common used pipes are the LDPE types. [...]

Which hydroponic irrigation pumps should be used

2024-12-22T16:58:53+02:00By |Closed systems, Open systems, Systems|

Hydroponic pumps are at the heart of your irrigation system. Many people tend to neglect this area just because they do not understand what is involved in selecting the right hydroponic pump and the requirements for pumps used in hydroponic conditions. It must be emphasized that the pumps used in [...]

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