Cat-face tomato fruit – genetic physiological disorder
Cat-face tomato fruit Symptoms
Fruits have a long scar at the blossom end that extends inwards and renders the fruit unmarketable and disfigured (abnormal). There are bands of scar tissue between swellings and cavities that extend deep into the fruit body. Most of these cat-face fruit ripen unevenly. Due to the scar tissue, cat-face fruit cannot be used for processing.
The root cause of cate-face is the abnormal development of the pistil of the flower. So any external factor that can have an influence on the development of the pistil of the flower will cause cat-face. Extended periods of low temperatures between 10 and 17°C are sufficient to induce the disorder. Some foliar sprays such as GA3 are also known to induce the cat-face disorders. It has also been noted that excessive nitrogen fertilization may aggravate the problem, however, this is more like to happen in soil grown tomatoes than in hydroponic systems.
Controlling cat-face disorders
Plant resistant varieties. Cat-face is not a disorder that can be controlled. It is strange that canning (determinate types) are not as susceptible as indeterminate varieties, but that is no solution to the commercial greenhouse farmer.
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