Many growers have tried reducing temperatures (cooling) with fogging nozzles. The concept of spraying the air with microscopic water droplets which absorb the heat in the air sound right. However, fogging does not just decrease the temperature, it increases the humidity as well. A fogging system cannot operate efficiently if it does not have a very [...]
Ventilation of greenhouses in humid tropical areas presents the grower with a complete new set of problems. There are various methods available but none have the desired effect. Screening is limited since it can only be applied during certain periods of the day and it limits the amount of sunlight reaching the plants. Evaporative pads [...]
Arid regions are characterized by low rainfall, low humidity and high temperatures during summer. The largest problem is temperature during the day time inside the tunnel during summer months. According to Arbel, Segal, et al. (1990), greenhouses found in arid areas have specific needs that should achieve the following: Low cost of construction and maintenance [...]
Ventilation is the exchange of air inside the greenhouse with air taken from outside the greenhouse using either natural or forced methods. Ventilation efficiency is critical in successful crop growth. The most common problem encountered in hot arid climates is to cool a greenhouses down in comparison with Northern Europe where greenhouses need to be [...]
Solar radiation is the most important factor affecting plant growth. Without light plants will not grow. Plants require a very narrow spectrum of solar light to grow. All other light that falls on plants are transformed into heat and has to be removed by the plant which uses up energy. Selecting the right cladding material [...]
Greenhouse size is determined by the width and height. The height will determine climate inside the greenhouse and the width will determine what crops you will or can grow in the greenhouse. So what is the ideal greenhouse size; well, it is not a simple answer. It requires some holistic thinking, but let's see what the scientist [...]
There are a huge number of types of greenhouse structures available. The structural design will mainly depend on various factors such as: Crops that will be grownThe climate of the areaMaterial that will be used for the structureFinance available for the capitalPersonal preferences Most people that start opt for erecting a shade cloth structure since [...]
The design of a production system consisting of a greenhouse, irrigation system, packing facility, heating system and transport system is an extremely complicated procedure which has to take into account and integrate biological and mechanical systems that work harmoniously together. Not only must this be achieved but the whole system should be flexible, adaptable, versatile, [...]
Hydroponic systems consist of the overhead structure creating a suitable climate for optimum plant growth and the irrigation system providing all the nutrients. Deciding on the greenhouse location is crucial. The structure (including the covering material) must create as close to optimum climate for the various crops to be grown. High radiation from the sun, high [...]