Cucumber pest and disease control
Never use chemical that are not registered by your local Department of Agriculture. A range of chemicals that can be used on cucumbers are provided below and must be followed to control most insects and diseases found in hydroponic production systems (in South Africa). Please check your local Agricultural extension officer for a list of pesticides and fungicides that are registered in your country and area. The following chemicals are commonly used:
Cucumber pest control
American bollworm
• endosulfan EC 350, endosulfan SC 475, endosulfan WP 475,
• dimethoate EC 400, fenthion EC 500, mercaptothion WP 250, mevinphos EC 150, mineral oil + fenvalerate
Ladybird (Various spp.)
• mercaptothion EC 500, mercaptothion WP 250
Pumpkin flies (Various spp.)
• fenthion EC 500, mercaptothion EC 500, mercaptothion WP 250, trichlorfon SP 950
Red spider mite
• dicofol WP 185
• endosulfan EC 350, endosulfan SC 475, endosulfan WP 475, mercaptothion WP 250
Cucumber disease control
• chlorothalonil SC 500, chlorothalonil WG 750, mancozeb WG 750, mancozeb WP 800
Cucumber wilt
• dichlorphen EC 200
Downy mildew
• chlorothalonil SC 500, chlorothalonil WG 750, copper ammonium carbonate SL 661, copper oxychloride sulphur 85/900, copper oxychloride WG 850-860, copper oxychloride WP 850, fosetyl-Al/mancozeb WP 440/260, propamocarb hydrochloride SL 722
Post harvest decay
• imazalil EC 800, thiabendazole SC 450, thiabendazole SC 500
Powdery mildew
• benomyl WP 500, buprimate EC 250, buprimate/hexaconazole EC 250/30, copper oxychloride/sulphur DP 85/900, cyproconazole SL 100, dinocap DP 20, dinocap/myclobutanil EC 325/75, mancozeb/tridemorph WP 360/110, penconazole EW 200, pyrazophos EC 295, tridemorph EC 750, triforine EC 190
Soil pathogens
• propamocarb hydrochloride SL 722
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