Installing a sump on small closed hydroponic systems is also easy. The same basic concrete sump can be build but a simple ‘T-piece’ as described in the figure below can also be as effective. However, floating particles in the water will not be removed with this method. The water in the ‘inline sump’ must not [...]
The irrigation water of hydroponic systems must be filtered to keep foreign objects out of the system. Open systems are relatively easy to filter since the water moves in one direction, so it is used only once. With closed systems the situation is entirely different. Not only is the water polluted with organic material from [...]
The correct gravel depth is important for the development of the roots system. Too shallow gravel will not only restrict root development and volume, but will also cause the development of algae on the surface of the gravel. The algae attract fungus gnats which feed on the roots of plants. The reason why the gravel [...]
A basic layout of a dripper irrigation system is provided using bags. Note the position of the filters in relation to the pump and water supply. Solenoid valves can be installed but the position will depend on the size of the block or number of plants that need to be irrigated at a time. The [...]
There are two basic types of dripper systems used in bag culture; 1 mm spaghetti pipes and 8 mm pressure regulated dripper (also called a PC dripper) which is much more expensive. There are advantages and disadvantages of both these types. The 1 mm spaghetti pipe is very cheap and easy to install. If blockages [...]
Root temperature does play an essential part in plant growth. It influences plant dry-mass, uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Root zone temperatures between 18–22°C lose less nitrate and phosphate through emissionsMiguel Urrestarazu, María del Carmen Salas, Diego Valera, Adrián Gómez & Pilar Carolina Mazuela (2008) Effects of Heating Nutrient Solution on Water and Mineral [...]
The following procedure should be followed when mixing fertilizers in nutrient tanks: Fill the tank with water Check if the pH is between 5.5 and 6.8 Increase or decrease the pH if necessary with either an acid or base Start stirring the water in the tank. The water in the tank can also be agitated [...]
Bag culture systems requires the use of large tanks to store the nutrient mixture. The tanks are important because: The nutrients are mixed and stored in the tanksThe exact amount of nutrients can be added to a specific volume of water since the size of the tank is known.The exact amount of water can be [...]
The basis on which to choose a small nutrient tank or large nutrient tank will be: The relative volume circulating at any given time in the whole systemThe rate at which the solution formulation must be changedThe estimated risk that diseases can enter the system and how effectively it can be controlledCapital availableAmount of water [...]