Hydroponic nutrient tanks can be made from any type of material as long as it does not react or cause a reaction with the nutrient solution. For instance, galvanized tanks are not suitable if the nutrient solutions come in direct contact with the metal. If galvanized tanks are used, the plants will show a Zn [...]
Efficiently design dripper irrigation systems will ensure long term durability with minimum maintenance. The ideal requirements for efficient operation of dripper systems are: The delivery must be uniform and drippers must not stop easily (Capillary tubes or PC-drippers give the best results)Installing drip limiters such as PC-drippers that limit flow between 1.0L.h-1 to 4.0L.h-1 provide [...]
Plastic gullies (or also called hydro-liners) are made from thick durable plastic with a thickness between 125 micron and 500 micron. The recommended thickness to use is the 500 micron plastic. Although it is much more expensive, it is also more durable especially during the building phase where people tend to walk over the plastic [...]
Blocked drippers is a cause of frustration. It happens all the time and is something all growers must be wary of. Blockages occur due to physical matter in the water, black algae or salt build-up at the tip of the dripper system. There is no cure for blockages. The main cause for blockages can be [...]
Over the years, closed hydroponic systems have been criticized quite often for their high initial capital cost and the perception that these systems have a high disease risk. During the initial development of the closed system in 1961, these criticisms might have been true since little scientific knowledge was available. Since 1961 an enormous amount [...]
Open hydroponic systems, or bag culture systems, are the most widely used hydroponic systems in Africa. They are used for the production of crops such as tomatoes, peppers, melons, brinjals, roses etc. Any crop that can be trellised or that grows at least 1 m high is suitable for bag culture. These systems are relatively [...]
Solar radiation is the most important factor affecting plant growth. Without light plants will not grow. Plants require a very narrow spectrum of solar light to grow. All other light that falls on plants are transformed into heat and has to be removed by the plant which uses up energy. Selecting the right cladding material [...]
Greenhouse size is determined by the width and height. The height will determine climate inside the greenhouse and the width will determine what crops you will or can grow in the greenhouse. So what is the ideal greenhouse size; well, it is not a simple answer. It requires some holistic thinking, but let's see what the scientist [...]
There are a huge number of types of greenhouse structures available. The structural design will mainly depend on various factors such as: Crops that will be grownThe climate of the areaMaterial that will be used for the structureFinance available for the capitalPersonal preferences Most people that start opt for erecting a shade cloth structure since [...]