• By |Published On: November 15, 2017|Last Updated: December 30, 2020|Categories: General|Tags: |

    A frequent and legit question to ask from all parts of the world; how do I start a hydroponic farm or business. Deep down in me I don’t understand why people ask me this other than that they should not be in the farming business. Starting a hydroponic farm or business is the same as [...]

  • By |Published On: June 9, 2013|Last Updated: March 29, 2014|Categories: Classification, Crops|Tags: |

    There are approximately 10,000 plant species that are used as vegetables, but only 50 of those are of any commercial value. In order to simplify planning and discussions they are classified into three groups: according to method of culture according to botanical classification and according to economical importance (in South Africa)     [...]

  • By |Published On: April 21, 2013|Last Updated: February 7, 2020|Categories: Crops, Systems|Tags: |

    Although most crops can be grown in some derivative of a hydroponic system, not all crops can be grown successfully on a commercial scale throughout the year. If you want to start your hydroponic system on a small scale initially, read this ebook by A.J. Clarke. You will quickly know if commercial hydroponics is in your [...]

  • By |Published On: April 21, 2013|Last Updated: February 7, 2020|Categories: Crops, Systems|Tags: |

    There are many advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics and field grown farming systems. It is however important that the system chosen should provide the highest income and is capable to supply the market with its requirements.  A good starting point to learn more about hydroponics at The Science of Hydroponics - Introduction to Hydroponicsby Sue [...]

  • By |Published On: April 21, 2013|Last Updated: February 7, 2020|Categories: Systems|Tags: |

    Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a medium, other than soil, using mixtures of the essential plant nutrients, which are dissolved in water. The medium that is used keeps the plant upright and absorbs some water. It also provides the necessary oxygen for the plant roots. Why bother with chemicals, tanks and irrigation [...]