The protected greenhouse environment The greenhouse environment is designed to allow plants to perform close to their genetic optimum so that the grower achieves maximum profit. A greenhouse is designed so that the plant converts sunlight, water and CO2 and minerals into marketable yield. Thus the protected greenhouse environment creates a "cozy" climate inside a [...]
Many growers have tried reducing temperatures (cooling) with fogging nozzles. The concept of spraying the air with microscopic water droplets which absorb the heat in the air sound right. However, fogging does not just decrease the temperature, it increases the humidity as well. A fogging system cannot operate efficiently if it does not have a very [...]
Ventilation of greenhouses in humid tropical areas presents the grower with a complete new set of problems. There are various methods available but none have the desired effect. Screening is limited since it can only be applied during certain periods of the day and it limits the amount of sunlight reaching the plants. Evaporative pads [...]