The nutrient content of water soluble hydroponic fertilizers is not always clearly indicated on packaging. It is fine that fertilizer companies take control out of our hands by formulating nutrient solutions for us, but there are times that we want to take control ourselves. That usually happens when things are not working out and yields [...]
Calcium and Boron have a close relationship in the plant. Their absolute concentrations and the relative ratio between the two affects how much of each can be absorbed. Both play an important role in growth points, or rather meristematic tissue. Although both these nutrients are not problematic in most crops, it is good to know [...]
Micro nutrients are just as important as macro nutrients. Many growers fail to have their water analysed for all elements, and in some area one might have enough of a micro element in the water. By adding more with fertilizers, toxicity levels may be reached which can reduce yields significantly. The following example will use [...]
Micro-elements are quite often referred to as the “trace” elements since they are used in such minute quantities in the nutrient solution. Micro-elements tend to be catalysts rather than fixed in any structure. They tend to be mobile in the plant and the difference between toxic levels and deficient levels is quite narrow. Although micro-elements [...]