If you have grown peppers with other crops, you might have noticed that green peppers grow slower than most others. Even the seedlings take about 2 weeks longer before they can be transplanted. Actually, green peppers grow just as fast, but the perceived vegetative growth is much slower. Green peppers are not less productive than [...]
Getting small fruit (peppers or tomatoes) is better than getting no fruit at all. However it can be frustrating when growing to achieve 140 g fruit and harvesting 60-80 g instead. Small pepper fruit can be the result of various factors such as: Poor pollination: the temperature may be too high during the critical period [...]
Good pest and disease control in hydroponic systems is crucial for a successful hydroponic farm. Soon after the plants have been transplanted, pest and diseases will be attracted to the growth area. It is important to control these pests and diseases in order to harvest a good yield. The registered chemicals that can be used [...]
Fertigation of peppers is sometimes more of an art than science since plant requirements change as the weather/climate change. Learn how to read your plants and identify good and bad stress symptoms. Peppers are sensitive to water stress (to little water) and to water logging (over watering). Any of these two conditions will reduce plant [...]
Temperature and humidity regime for peppers. Temperature and humidity go hand in hand. Quite often increasing the one has an effect of the other. So keeping a good balance can be difficult. The ideal temperatures at which peppers grow are between 18°C at night and 30°C during the day. The grower must make sure that [...]
Trellising sweet peppers is common practice in commercial greenhouses. Although labour intensive, it increases quality and quantity of fruit yields, so it cannot be ignored. You cannot grow a bush type pepper economically since these varieties do not produce the yield per square meter over the same growth period as trellised types. Hydroponically grown peppers [...]
Pruning peppers will have a significant effect on yields over the production life of the crop. The correct pruning method will also increase ventilation and thereby decrease disease and pest pressure, reducing production cost. Peppers do not form side shoots in the true sense such as tomatoes. The stem of a pepper plant splits into [...]