• By |Published On: May 12, 2018|Last Updated: May 12, 2018|Categories: Cucumbers|Tags: |

    Trellising and training of greenhouse cucumbers Trellising of cucumbers should not be confused with pruning. They do go hand in hand, but are very different. Trellising is leading the whole plant up the twine in a certain growth direction or pattern while pruning is removing leaves, fruit and growth points during the growth period. I [...]

  • By |Published On: November 10, 2013|Last Updated: January 7, 2019|Categories: Cucumbers|Tags: |

    Selecting a cucumber pruning system The question arises which system should be used. Each system has its advantages and disadvantages according to the ability and managerial skill of the grower, the experience of his labour, capital available to build the various structures, climatic conditions of the area etc. The easiest to apply are the vertical [...]

  • By |Published On: August 27, 2013|Last Updated: August 28, 2013|Categories: Green beans|Tags: |

    Trellising green beans is actually quite easy compared to tomatoes and cucumbers. One thing is sure, you have to trellis the plant. Although it is labour intensive and must be done weekly, the advantages are far greater than the disadvantages. Trellising green beans plants have the following advantages: Increases yield per square meter Reduces the [...]

  • By |Published On: August 24, 2013|Last Updated: August 24, 2013|Categories: Tomatoes|Tags: |

    Pruning tomatoes is an essential activity during the maintenance of the tomato crop. Just as the plants should be trellised every week, so should each tomato plant be pruned in order to obtain maximum yields. Pruning tomatoes ensures that the energy is used in developing fruit and the main stem. The pruning and trellising (also [...]

  • By |Published On: August 11, 2013|Last Updated: April 11, 2019|Categories: Tomatoes|Tags: |

    Trellising tomato plants is only required when growing indeterminate types in greenhouses. Although trellising tomato plants it is labour intensive and must be done weekly, the advantages far outweigh disadvantages. Trellising tomato plants has the following advantages: It increases yield per square meter Reduces the risk of disease development Improves ventilation between plants Allows for [...]

  • By |Published On: July 28, 2013|Last Updated: December 9, 2020|Categories: Crops, Sweet peppers|Tags: , |

    Trellising sweet peppers is common practice in commercial greenhouses. Although labour intensive, it increases quality and quantity of fruit yields, so it cannot be ignored. You cannot grow a bush type pepper economically since these varieties do not produce the yield per square meter over the same growth period as trellised types. Hydroponically grown peppers [...]

  • By |Published On: July 28, 2013|Last Updated: February 19, 2014|Categories: Sweet peppers|Tags: , |

    Pruning peppers will have a significant  effect on yields over the production life of the crop.  The correct pruning method will also increase ventilation and thereby decrease disease and pest pressure, reducing production cost. Peppers do not form side shoots in the true sense such as tomatoes. The stem of a pepper plant splits into [...]